Tuesday, October 6, 2009

Racial=characteristic of one race or the races of humankind.Harmony=An agreement or a harmonius relations.So when you add racial and harmony together ,it simply means the agreement of the charecteristic of the races.Racial harmony is a very important factor which contributes to the bonding of Singapore which also means that when racial harmony is present,bonding of Singapore is present too.Without racial harmony,Singapore would be in a state of chaos. War over diffrent races would occur now and then thus making Singapore drop into a crisis with lack necessities.The photo would show how Singapore would be like without any racial harmony and I believe that no one in Singapore wants to live in this type of city or rather town so everybody should do their part in making Singapore a better place to live in by doing our own part in racial harmony.

Job Seeking in Singapore

In Singapore, majority of the population speak Chinese, as well as your employers, who probably will ask whether you are fluent in speaking Chinese before hiring you. This unfair employment practice discriminates against the minority race applicants which will raise tension between the different races. Job seeking should mostly look at the applicants qualifications and attitude, not by his or her religion and race. There should not be a more "powerful" race as regardless of race, language or religion, everyone is still a Singaporean and are all equals.

Learning from others

Conflict in Sri Lanka

I found this information very useful as I attentively listened in class as my handsome young teacher spoke. He explained about the conflict in Sri Lanka which involved the Sinhalese and the Tamils. The conflict was so violent that various freedom fighting groups such as the LTTE (Liberation Tigers of Tamil Eelam). He carefully explained to us several keypoints that erupted the conflict. I found myself unable to concentrate momentarily, staring at my teachers handsome face and his delicate silky smooth hair. I smelt his cologne from where I was sitting. Then, it happened. As he begun his explanation with his sultry voice, I understood and fully appreciated the racial harmony in Singapore. Let me briefly list out the key points of the sinhalese-tamil conflict.

1. Citizenship rights

Indian Tamils were denied basic rights such as education, jobs, housing and voting. Singapore has no racial discrimination. All adult citizens of the country can vote, regardless of race, language or religion.

2. 'Sinhala only' policy

Sinhala was declared the national language of Sri Lanka in 1956 due to the devious plan of the sinhalese to eliminate the Tamils. Tamils in the government sector were given two years to perfect their Sinhala or were given the boot. Tamils were enraged by this as they found it hard to be promoted or to find a job. However, in Singapore, the exact opposite has taken place. MRT and school signboards are engraved with the four main languages of Singapore's society- English, Chinese, Malay and Tamil.

3. Resettlement
The Tamils were upset with the Sinhalese settlers as they were offered the homes of the Tamils while the Tamils were being driven away by the Sri Lankan Army. In SIngapore, we have many different areas for the four main races. Chinatown, Little India, Geylang and Kampong Glam. However, these are not places that only people of a certain 'skin colour' can reside. Chinatown has been turned into a night market, similar to that of Taiwan. Various sites of these places have been turned into monumental landmarks with historical value to the younger generation. Events that occured in the second world war are inscribed on the walls of some places in Chinatown- preserved to remind us that we must not take peace for granted. Field trips are often conducted in these areas of cultural value. Other steps the government takes to ensure racial harmony are imposing fines on making insensitive remarks on minority races. The government also encourages the youth by organising heritage tours to educate them on other cultures, traditions and beliefs. This is a fun way for the children to learn about their different skinned peers while the knowledge is taught as they are young, thus building good roots ensuring racial harmony for generations to come.

Monday, October 5, 2009

Different Races Staying United

Do not take racial harmony for granted.
By being in harmony, different races can avoid being hurt.

Sunday, October 4, 2009

Racial Harmony was annouced as an event on 21 july 1964 due to the 1964 racial riots. Till now, Singapore still commerates Racial Harmony Day. These days, people are starting to neglecting the need of this day and are taking racial harmony for granted.

Promoting Racial Harmony

Usually, racism happens a lot in schools and yet sometimes schools do not notice it. A way to improve Racial Harmony in schools in that schools organize sport games and evenly distribute teams with students of different races. Sports such as basketball, soccer and netball for the girls will allow students of different race and religion to enjoy the sports together.

Saturday, October 3, 2009

Social Star Dies, implicating the nation

இ அம எ நிக்க
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Male. Chinese. Teacher. Social Studies. Secondary School. Sports. Music. Crap.
Friday, August 21, 2009

Example: Does race divide people?

Image taken from: http://nineisenough.files.wordpress.com/2008/03/racism.jpg
Are we totally different just because of 'colour'?
It's important to maintain racial harmony in Singapore. Long ago........
Posted by Mr Ng HS at 12:19 PM 0 comments
Tuesday, August 18, 2009

Crediting sources
Image obtained from http://www.ideasinaction.com.sg/2009/images/ico_bonding.gif
"But we cannot just bond once a year on National Day and around this period. We have to build good relations with one another through our daily contacts, ordinary lives and friendships and working relationships. And therefore, it is important to have shared facilities and facilities where we can interact with one another, regardless of race and religion, where we can mingle, and be comfortable with one another and gain confidence in each other."Comments extracted by PM Lee's speech, at the National Day Rally 2009.
Image taken from https://blogger.googleusercontent.com/img/b/R29vZ2xl/AVvXsEg6gUYhbSFGfKAhe4EJm4PiWM4QqdswGB7qRYhNPvuZtAnLAr_STL2Q6IZYsbNPNm1p2ZJhxnpXnfe1nJ4-YKoqdseJETrOHKA4Dq-lT2PjTISv_Kr6JROwW8fCZWkIWTeZmutxkOgpb_s/s400/quek5.jpgThis picture of the group of army men shows us that no matter what race we belong to, we work hard to defend Singapore as one. On the battlefield, it is not the colour of our skin, or the race we belong to, but it is actually our hearts and our commitment to defend Singapore which makes our military strong and mighty.